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Admissions Policy
Taylor Pro College admits qualified candidates regardless of race, colour, creed, national or ethnic origin, marital status, sexual preference, age, religion, or physical disability.

Applicants must meet all the minimum requirements to be considered for admission and must have sufficient financial support for their study.

A Taylor Pro College Placement Assessment may be required for programs if the candidate does not meet minimum English Proficiency requirements.
Neither Taylor Pro College or the applicant can waive these admission requirements under any circumstances.
Admissions Requirements
A face-to-face interview with the School Administrator/Office Staff is necessary before acceptance at Taylor Pro College. Alternatively, a virtual interview via Zoom is also conducted for applicants.
Transportation and Trades Programs
To be admitted as a regular student, please submit the following pre-requisites:
If a student fails to meet the minimum admission requirements, neither the institution nor the student can waive the requirements
Diploma/Certificate Programs
To become eligible for any of our diploma programs, please present the following requirements:
Requirements can still vary from one program to another, so the applicant should be responsible for meeting the requirements set for every program.
Program Brochures
Learn about the academic programs of Taylor Pro College.
Do you have any questions about the Admission Requirements? Contact us for more info.
How to Apply
All applicants who wish to enroll in a Taylor Pro College program must participate in the following comprehensive admissions procedures before they can be accepted into any of the programs of study:
Interview (face-to-face or via Zoom) with an Admissions Officer to confirm the suitability of the program as well as discuss career and employment opportunities and challenges. An assessment of your motivation, needs, and expectations will be conducted.
Provide evidence of English proficiency – see Admission Requirements for details.