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Class 7 Road Test

Our students can book their ICBC Road Test date with Taylor Pro College. This gives them access to our car and a 45 minute warm-up session prior to the test.
Taylor Pro College will book the Road Test date with ICBC to ensure the availability of our car.
Example, for the 11:00 am Road Test, we pick up the student at 10:00 am; a 45 minute warm-up session and the ICBC Road Test will follow.
Minimum of 2 hours
(School car for ICBC Road Test can be used for a 2-hour minimum)
Total Cost of the Service
CAD $138
Additional ICBC Fees: - ICBC Road Test $35 - Class 7 License Issue $75 Total ICBC Fees: $110
Book an Appointment with Us Today!
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