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5 Driving Emergencies and How to Handle Them

5 Driving Emergencies and How to Handle Them scaled

    Key Takeaways

  • According to the World Health Organization, 1.3 million people perish in car accidents every year.
  • On the road, accidents may happen at any time and you sometimes can’t see them coming.
  • According to data and statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, almost 36% of accidents involve an automobile turning or crossing an intersection.

In any driver training course, you will learn that avoiding collisions altogether is the best way to survive an emergency. You, the driver, must drive with the utmost caution and awareness. 

Although the route may be clear as day, you may still run across unanticipated problems. You should constantly keep these situations in mind so that you can be prepared for them.

While driving, being ready for an emergency or incident might save both your life and others’ lives. The World Health Organization estimates that 1.3 million individuals lose their lives in automobile accidents each year. 

In light of this, how do drivers handle crises? What  should you do in these driving emergencies?

Panic Braking 

Emergency braking will be necessary if anything unexpectedly happens immediately in front of you. In this scenario, anti-lock braking system  (ABS)-equipped vehicles may stop quickly by simply applying heavy brakes until the vehicle comes to a complete stop. 

When quick, unplanned events like a pedestrian abruptly crossing the street, or luggage tumbling from the car in front of you happen, panic braking may occur. 

To avoid this as much as you can:

  • Keep your distance from the traffic.
  • Make an effort to stop where other cars can see you.
  • Constantly be observing for pedestrians’ or animals’ that may pop onto roadways.
  • Look 15 seconds ahead to be aware of upcoming traffic and light changes.

Advancing Car in Your Lane

Although it is hard to prohibit other vehicles from accelerating in your lane, there are things you may do if this happens to you. 

Make sure to flash your high beams and honk your horn right away if a car is coming at you from behind and straying into your lane. Aim for the free portion of the road in your lane by looking into your rearview mirror . 

To prevent a head-on accident, leave as much distance as you can between your car and the one approaching you.

Tire Blowout 

If you find yourself in a situation where your tire blows out in the middle of the road, do these steps:

  • Press and hold the gas pedal for a few seconds. This gives you control of the vehicle and points it straight ahead. Lift the gas pedal slowly and gently after a few seconds. Pressing the gas pedal won’t make the car drive any quicker since the drag effect of a fully flat tire is so strong.
  • Steer vehicle to the side of the road and out of the way of other vehicles when safe to do
  • Avoid placing your feet near the clutch or brake.

Unnoticed Motorcycles, Small Vehicles, and Pedestrians

It can be difficult to spot other vehicles or even pedestrians on the road, especially if they are not as visible. 

Stastically, the National Highway Traffic Safety reports a car turning or crossing an intersection was engaged in around 36 percent of accidents (NHTSA). 

To avoid these incidents, consider where you want to go before turning the wheel. Keep in mind the acronym BLT, which stands for brake, look, and turn. Oftentimes, this requires keen observation out of all the side windows.

Even if you’re going straight, you can see those who are running red lights and stop signs by looking through the side window before you enter a crossroads.

Stabilized Steering Wheel

In the unusual event that a mechanical failure causes your steering wheel to lock up while you’re driving, slow your vehicle and make every effort to bring the car to a full halt on the side of the road. If  this doesn’t free the wheel, then make a help request.

Keep yourself and others safe at all times when driving, and be ready for mishaps. Keeping your vehicle well maintained and repairs made as needed will help keep everyone safe on the road.

By enrolling in Taylor Pro College’s driver training program, you can assure a high level of training and prepare to pass your examinations to obtain a well-deserved driving license. This will help you learn more about driving and develop your abilities.


National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (2018). NHTSA. NHTSA.

10 Facts about road safety. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2022, from