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International Students

Students from around the world can now avail of quality Canadian education from the provinces of British Columbia and Nova Scotia via Taylor Pro College.
With our top-quality and highly inclusive campuses across the country, these will make the transition and adjustment for international students easier as they learn more about their new environment.
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Friendly approach
Taylor Pro is a career-oriented designated learning institution which offers a variety of courses and programs within its different Schools. With this in mind, Taylor Pro is dedicated to ensuring that each of its campuses are friendly and offer a flexible type of teaching pace to allow international students to absorb the lessons optimally.
Consultation on-campus
Young or adult learners who are studying in a new country or campus may experience a range of emotions. International students might feel excited or nervous about the prospect of being in a new location and meeting new people. 200
Taylor Pro College staff is equipped to handle student consultations and advising when there is a need for them. We listen to our students and treat the contents of these meetings with confidentiality.
Study permits / Temporary resident visas
International students are highly encouraged to apply for a study permit before they fly to Canada—even if they do not have a need for one (courses or programs with a duration under six months are exempted for study permits). This affords international students the privilege of choosing to continue their studies in Canada hassle-free, should they choose to do so.
If students decide to extend their studies but are without a study permit, they are required to apply for one at a Canadian visa office outside of Canada.
Depending on a student’s citizenship, one may also be required to present a temporary resident visa.
For students enrolled in a course or program with a duration of six or less than six months, they must complete their studies within the indicated authorized period of time.
Accommodation options
Taylor Pro College students who need accommodation leads in the different cities where we are located are encouraged to connect with our administrative staff through our email to have updated information on housing options in their desired locations.
We help our students find student accommodations near the campus by collaborating with
From single bedroom units to fully furnished houses, they have every type of living space for every taste and budget.
The College has also assigned staff to regularly update the campus bulletin board for the information of those students who are already in their respective campuses but need to see more housing options.
For students who are looking to rent an apartment, please be advised that the cost may vary greatly depending on the location. Some students choose to share an apartment to save on rent.
It is best to do prior research online for accommodation types and needs. Check the budget, location and other preferences. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to contact us for questions or clarifications.
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Managing Finances
Taylor Pro College looks out for the financial well-being of our international students. Aside from tapping into the financial aid provided by the campus, here below are some tips on how to manage one’s finances while studying at Taylor Pro!
Preparation is key
Before even flying off to a new country like Canada, make sure that you have done your research about the costs of living and probable miscellaneous expenses you might incur during the period of your stay.
One thing to take note of is your intake period. If you are studying through winter, make sure to have prepared quality wear for winter. They do not need to be expensive as long as they are effective.
Strategic location
If you are considering renting an apartment, don’t forget to take into account daily commuting expenses. There are different rates for public transportation based on locations.
This is one occasion when renting an apartment nearest to the campus pays off. Start your research early and browse your accommodation options online so you can also think about your transport expenses.
Off-campus work
For international students in need of additional income, Canada allows international students to work off campus and for any business or employer.
This is one of the reasons that make Canada an attractive international study destination preferred by most international students.
After securing a study permit, an international student in Canada can work part-time up to 20 hours per week during the entire course or program duration. During holiday periods, international students can work up to 40 hours.
Spend wisely
Because of Canada’s welcoming policy toward international students, Canadian banks are most likely to offer these students credit cards. If you are one of them, make sure to pay your dues on time every month. While credit cards are a convenient way to pay for items or services, it is often better to pay with cash when one is working with a budget.
However, this doesn’t mean credit cards will not work to your favor. The best part about using a credit card wisely is building your credit history in the country. This can be useful if you have plans to stay in the country long-term.