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What Is Road Rage and How Can You Manage It?

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    Key Takeaways

  • Road rage endangers both drivers and pedestrians as well as the order on the road when not addressed properly.
  • Some major triggers of road rage are environmental factors, high life stress, displaced anger, and heavy traffic.
  • To manage road rage, drivers must plan for their trips, keep their emotions in check, and never be aggressive to other drivers.

Road rage happens when drivers get into a difficult situation that causes stress. Oftentimes, the frustration escalates to violent anger that causes aggressive behavior.

Instances like this endanger not only the drivers but also the pedestrians around. When there is road rage, drivers end up making poor decisions that impact the order on the road.

The Dangers of Road Rage

Reports of violent behavior among drivers are old news in British Columbia. In April 2022, The Vancouver News reported that a woman in her 20s was chased down the road out of aggression. The incident happened in Maple Ridge and caused terror within the area.

This is just one of the many road rage incidents that have occurred over the years in the province. The  bottom line in all these cases remains clear: road rage never ends up good.

On top of that, road rage also carries legal consequences when not addressed. This may happen if the drivers involved get arrested on criminal charges.

What Causes Road Rage?

There are many factors that trigger road rage among drivers on the road. This includes frustration over heavy traffic or simply displaced anger.

According to the American Psychological Association, environmental factors also boost anger on the road. The same study also noted high life stress as a common trigger.

What’s interesting about this study is that they found that people who experience road rage are more likely to misuse alcohol and drugs. With these things established, it only becomes necessary to redirect the mind away from road rage.

How Can You Manage Road Rage?

You can’t get close to yourself from feeling a bit of anger while on the road. What’s important is that you learn how to easily manage it. Here are some tips.

Travel early. Drivers often feel annoyed once they realize that they’re late to their destinations. This can easily affect their mood, making them angrier as more time passes by. To avoid these incidents, it’s best to have a time allowance. Give yourself at least a 10-minute head start to have enough time to travel.

Keep your emotions in check. If you feel under the weather, it may not be the best time to drive. It’s also unsafe to take the wheel if you’re already feeling a bit stressed during the day. Take the time to cool down to avoid feeling agitated. It’s best to drive with a happy and healthy mind.

Never be aggressive. Driving awards you a sense of freedom, but it may also give you false confidence. This is why other drivers incessantly honk their horns at the first sign of inconvenience. When this happens, don’t be aggressive with your actions. Stay calm and patient and also think about the consequences of your actions.

Taylor Pro College has an extensive catalog of driving training courses that you can check out today. Apply today and learn more about road rage management through these comprehensive programs.


Alexander, J. (2022, April 9). Driver ducked down, ‘gunned it backward’ during apparent road rage incident in maple ridge. British Columbia.

American Psychological Association. (2014). The fast and the furious.

Province of British Columbia. (n.d.). Excessive speed and careless driving.