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5 Mistakes To Avoid To Ace Your Driving Exam

    Key Takeaways

  • The key to passing a driving exam is getting enough rest, managing anxiety, and revisiting past driving lessons.
  • Listening to instructions and practicing basic driving standards is one way to avoid mistakes during a driving test.
  • Asking instructors for key advice can push your success forward to earning your license.

There are only two possible outcomes after a driving test: either you pass or you fail. Nothing is inherently wrong with failing, but of course, passing should be the main goal.

To get your well-deserved license, here are five mistakes you must avoid:

Not Practicing Under Unique Circumstances

One of the things you should know about driving is that nothing is ever absolute. The routes you always take might be close or there might be incidents that affect your travel time.

More importantly, the weather changes and you must adjust to these conditions. For instance, you may want to reduce your speed when driving in heavy rain.

You can never predict the weather during your driving test. The  best course of action is to always be prepared.

Not Taking Enough Rest 

Well-rested people perform better on tests because they possess clarity of mind. Plus, it keeps your mind off sleep. So  you don’t get distracted behind the wheel.

Avoid staying up late prior to the day of your test. Focus on getting enough sleep and keeping your body in its healthiest form by maintaining a good diet.

If you don’t get enough rest, you’re putting your own license (and life) at risk. Always play it safe when it comes to things like this so you can handle the exam better.

Not Listening to Basic Instructions

On the day of your exam, listen carefully to the instructions given. This will help you calmly go through the driving course, make the right turns, and park in the right spot.

There are also instances wherein students fail the exam because they forget the basic rules. For example, some students do good at driving but end up forgetting about their seatbelts.

It’s often the smallest thing that can result in substantial results. Always keep these basic driving rules in mind and you’re pretty much good at going .

Not Being Calm and Relaxed

Anxiety is your biggest enemy while navigating the tracks. Get nervous once and your mind gets clouded with nerve-racking thoughts.

In line with taking a rest, remain calm at all times while you’re inside the vehicle. It will work better if you get a hold of yourself even before you step into the venue.

Stay relaxed and don’t let the fear of failure overshadow your thoughts. You might want to drop your morning coffee if it gives you the jitters.

Not Reviewing What You’ve Learned 

Like any type of exam, a driving test can also be demanding. Oftentimes, it offers no room for students that don’t regularly review their lessons.

Do quick reviews starting from your theoretical driving course up until your practical driving. Don’t forget to get your instructor in the picture so you can be appropriately corrected.

Taylor Pro College is a leading provider of driver’s education in British Columbia. Earn a license and make a living by applying to our New Driver Training Courses today!


Province of British Columbia. (n.d.). Road safety rules and consequences of unsafe driving. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/driving-and-cycling/road-safety-rules-and-consequences

Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC. (n.d.). Book a road test – ICBC official. ICBC Home. https://www.icbc.com/driver-licensing/visit-dl-office/Pages/Book-a-road-test.aspx